Thursday, February 10, 2011 was created to unite humans from the heart. With submissions from anyone passionate enough about what they do to want to show the world. It is here to encourage creation. All aspects of it.

Artist, Writers, Poets, Photographers, get involved and bring common unity to your community. Communication through your passion is the way we would like to change the world. (starting with Cornwall)

The world already runs with what each of us have to offer. What we need is to make that known. One of the main causes to the corruption around us is fear of communication to one another. When I don't know what to say, I'll draw a picture or take a photo. Sometimes words come and flow into rhythm. I intend to make a creative outpost. A PDF magazine or something you can view directly online for free. Showcasing the unique talents of everyone in the community.
I don't need to tell you that the day it launches it can reach the world because that's what the internet has done for us. That is clear with the amount of people waking up to the false systems we have in place. But these systems can be transformed into what truly works for the people. The systems were put there for the benefit of the people, by the people, yet somewhere along the way they scared us into not talking to each other and taking advantage of us.

We can forgive the ones who have unknowingly helped this go on for so long. Because every time someone refuses to acknowledge their ability to respond to a situation, they refuse their responsibility. Let us look to one another as family and learn from each others mistakes. Let our love guide us to the future we want to co-create. All we need is to connect.

If we put our best intentions out there, and make them known. We will soon realize we all want the same things. One of those things is to have a location for artists of all ages to go and get creative. To source inspiration. To take lessons and workshops from other artists. This is something the community needs and there are many separate groups working towards the same ultimate goal.

Every form of Creation is Art. From Food preparation to the invention of instruments that make our everyday lives easier. If we can recognize the unique talents of everyone that surrounds us and come together for the purpose of bettering our lives little by little, that is surely what will happen. But like all spirals, they start small, but expand to infinity. If we can share with each other what enriches our lives, then we share our riches, and our lives. We are here to experience every colour of love.

My mission is to facilitate the change I see within, in any expression. This post is because I can't do it alone. I'm just a guy with an idea. Please check out the website and connect with the group on facebook.!/home.php?sk=group_149180955132751&ap=1

If anyone can offer support in any way please don't hesitate to send me an email:

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